Lucrezia d’Onofrio
Giovanni Durbiano
Irene Ponzo
Molinette hospital, that will be the object,in 7-10 years, of a disposal, represents a unique opportunity to transform the mono function of a system of buildings, composed of pavilions connected by arcades, in a multi-function. Over the years the original settlement has been compromised by the construction of new buildings to adapt the hospital to new medical, hygienic and plant requirements. Starting from 1995, many of the buildings built in 1935, are protected by the historical-documental constraints of the Regulatory Plan.
The aim of the research was to produce a shared project proposal combining a hypothetical future of space, form and function with a hypothetical one of Turin society. The project activity was flanked by the continuous dialogue with Superintendency, technical offices of municipality, university, hospital and actors interested in possible investments. This determined deviations of the project that was consolidated in a year following many meetings. According to literature, the city in 20 years will probably be populated by native citizens and new Italians who will have acquired citizenship by naturalization or marriage. For this reason it could be affected by new critical issues, such as the consequences of family reunification and the progressive aging of the foreign population with the consequent adaptation of the health system, but also from new opportunities that could be built on the basis of the super different and cosmopolitan reality that will characterize the city of the future. These factors will have social, spatial and regulatory implications that the research has tried to consider.