“Architectural design theory” is not a discipline or an established form of knowledge. It is, rather, a need, which we feel as researchers. This theory comes as a response to the recognition of a problem concerning the project of architecture – as an object and as an action – and its possibility of being studied, transmitted and improved. The efforts to respond to this problem could lead, potentially, to the theory of a practical knowledge.
La teoria del progetto architettonico non è una disciplina o una forma istituita di conoscenza: piuttosto un’esigenza, che sentiamo come ricercatori. La teoria risponde al riconoscimento di un problema che riguarda il progetto di architettura – inteso come oggetto e come azione – e la sua possibilità di essere studiato, trasmesso e innovato. I tentativi di risposta a questo problema costituiscono, potenzialmente, la teoria di un sapere pratico.
research group / gruppo di ricerca
Full professor of Architectural and Urban Design at Politecnico di Torino, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in History of architecture and urban planning, at Politecnico di Torino.
President of ProArch, scientific society of Italian university professors in architectural design.
Author of several publications on issues concerning contemporary architectural design.
Among his monographs I Nuovi Maestri. Architetti tra politica e cultura nell’Italia del dopoguerra [I Nuovi Maestri. Architects among politics and culture in the Italian afterwar], Marsilio 1999; Paesaggio e Architettura nell’Italia contemporanea [Landscape and Architecture in Contemporary Italy], Donzelli 2003, Etiche dell’intenzione. Ideologie e linguaggi dell’architettura contemporanea [Ethics of Intention. Ideologies and Languages in Contemporary Architecture], Christian Marinotti, 2014.
In 2017 published, with Alessandro Armando, Teoria del progetto architettonico. Dai disegni agli effetti [Theory of Architectural Design. From drawings to Effects], Carocci https://www.teoriadelprogetto.com/recensioni
Founder and member of the Advisory board of the peer-reviewed journal “Ardeth” (Architectural Design Theory).
Founder of office DAR-architettura.
Some of his works and projects have been published on several architectural magazines, including “Casabella”, “Abitare”, “Costruire”, “Edilizia Popolare”, “Ottagono”, “A&RT”, “Controspazio”, “Il Giornale dell’architettura”, “Aion”; in various architectural guide books of Turin, and moreover were exhibited at the Biennale di Venezia, 2003 and 2006. His works were presented in many national and international lectures.
Alessandro Armando, architect, is Associate Professor at the Department of Architectural and Design (DAD) of the Politecnico di Torino since 2011, where he teaches Architectural Design and Architectural Design Theory. He is also the Coordinator of the Msc Degree Programme “Architecture Construction City” and a member of the Board of the Doctoral programme DASP (“Architecture. History and Project”) at the same Politecnico. His current research activity focuses mainly on the political and bureaucratic effects of architectural design on the urban processes, and he has published articles and essays investigating the connection between design and politics. He is founder and member of the editorial board of “Ardeth” (Architectural Design Theory) magazine, and he is currently the editor of “Rivista di Estetica”, 2, 2019 (The Sciences of Future). In his professional practice as an architect, he is a partner of the DAR Architetturaoffice, with M. Di Robilant and G. Durbiano. Among his publications: Teoria del progetto architettonico(2017); Rome: Carocci (with G. Durbiano); Watersheds. A Narrative of urban recycle(2015), Guangzhou: Sandu Publishing (with M. Bonino and F. Frassoldati); La soglia dell’arte: Peter Eisenman, Robert Smithson e il problema dell’autore dopo le nuove avanguardie(2009) Torino: SEB 27.
Caterina Barioglio (1985) is Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino. She earned a Ph.D. in History of Architecture and Urban Planning in 2016, with a dissertation carried out between Turin and Columbia University in New York City. Bridging history and design, her research and publications relate to urban regeneration processes, with a main focus on spatial effects of urban rules and socio-economic transformations. After two years of operative research at the Masterplan Team of the Politecnico di Torino, she is currently member of the interdepartmental centre Future Urban Legacy Lab.
Edoardo Bruno is an architect who earned a PhD from the Politecnico di Torino in 2018 in Architecture, History and Project, with a dissertation on the Guangzhou southern urban extension. He has been Executive Curator of the last edition of the Bi-CIty Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture of Shenzhen. From 2015 he has been responsible for the activities of the South China – Torino Collaboration Lab, a joint research center between the South China University of Technology and the Politecnico di Torino. He was among the curators of the Italian Pavilion realized during the 2018 Shenzhen Design Week as well as a project architect for the transformation of the Oxygen Factory within the Big Air Venue for the XXIV Olympic Winter Games, Shougang – Beijing 2022. He is currently Research Assistant at the Politecnico di Torino and a member of the China Room research team. Since 2009 he is among the founders of the Italian design firm 2MIX.
Daniele Campobenedetto (1986) is an architect and a Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture and Design of Politecnico di Torino. He holds a Ph.D. in History of Architecture and Town Planning from Politecnico di Torino and in Architecture from Université Paris Est. His research activities investigate especially urban transformation and re-use strategies and have been carried out in Paris, Shanghai and Turin. From 2017 he is part of the Masterplan Team of Politecnico di Torino and from 2016 he is a member of the Editorial Board of Ardeth – Architectural Design Theory – Journal. Among his most recent publications: Paris les Halles. Storie di un future conteso, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2017.
Valeria Federighi (1986) is an architect and Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture and Design of Politecnico di Torino. She holds a Ph.D. in Architectural and Building Design from Politecnico di Torino and a Master of Design Research from University of Michigan. From 2015 she is part of the South China-Torino Collaboration Lab and the China Room research group at Politecnico di Torino and from 2016 she is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Ardeth – Architectural Design Theory. She is author of The Informal Stance – Representations of architectural design and informal settlements, ORO Editions, 2017.
Caterina Quaglio is a doctoral student in “Architecture. History and Project” at the Politecnico di Torino. She graduated in architecture in Italy in 2015, spending two years abroad for exchange programs: in 2012/2013 she studied in ULB, in Brussels, and in 2104/2015 in ETSAM Madrid. Since her master thesis and during an internship in Chile, she has worked on the issue of public housing. Her PhD research is focused in particular on the policies and practices of urban regeneration deployed in public housing districts in the last thirty years, studied through in-depth analysis of European case studies. During her PhD she has also taken part in several activities related to methodological issues on project and design, in particular in the context of a seminar dedicated to masters students working on their final projects.